Tuesday, March 14, 2017

S7PP: Theme and Invitation - A work in progress....

This season is going to be the second to the last - and a shorter one at that so of course we know that the dead and the realms of men are headed for an epic clash.  Naturally, we need able bodied soldiers to protect us.  Our evening will be centered around the battle - "War Is Coming"....

This is just the preliminary graphic - I haven't decided what to do with them yet.... I could mail them... I could tie them with some string to a crow and land them on their cars.... I could take the easy way out and just post it on Facebook (not my style but alas....) Still brainstorming this... more updates will be forthcoming.. ideas ideas so many ideas.....

In the mean time, you need one you can customize - here is one that's ready to go - just have to come up with a snazy name for your venue!

3.15.17: I worked on these a bit last night and I gotta say, this was fun!  It was a little scary, though, as I was playing with the ax while my toddler was next to me incredibly interested in everything I was doing.  (Don't worry, I didn't start swinging until I was absolutely sure daddy had a hold of her on the other side of the room...)

I took my small stacks of invites and my ax and whacked away!  I banged on them with both sides of the hammer and hit them with some nails and really just beat the crap out of them.

We weren't done yet though...

We then took one of the seven (YES, SEVEN) boxes of food coloring out of our cabinet (No idea who we managed to amass that much food coloring....) and used them to discolor the pages.  We did this in a shallow cookie sheet and with only blue, red and yellow food coloring (not green!) We poured a cup of water in the cookie sheet and dropped food coloring in random spots on the cookie sheet.  We did not mix them the first time and after dipping a page in the mixture it just looked like a unicorn sharted all over the thing... Pretty!  But not the look we were going for.  It needed more mixing...

What you see below is what we ended up with.  More to come.

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